Vedic Granth

Vedas are the root of all Dharma.
Vedas are almost the oldest written documents in the world. Veda is the supreme and all-pervasive scripture of the Indian Sanatan Hindu religion. In which the definition of humanism has been defined perfectly, so it will be called human religion along with Hinduism.
If we want to know its superiority, then we will need to think deeply and from an objective point of view about Vedas. When our study is deep, questions will also arise less.
The ancient Indian sages, who have been called Trikaldarshi, Mantradrushta , they understood the science and esoteric mysteries of the mantras, meditate on them and compile their knowledge and present it to the world in the texts which are called oriental texts ‘Vedas’.
Veda means knowledge.
Immediate after Vedas the base source of Indian Sanskruti , the Puranas are at the respectable place. The common people are not able to access the unseen mysteries mentioned in Vedas, but by listening to Mangalmayi, Shokhanivarini, Gyanapradaini divine stories of Bhaktirus-Parilupt Puranas , the common people can easily learn the unique secrets of devotion. It is said in the Mahabharata –
“पुराणसंहिताः पुण्याः कथा धर्मार्थसंश्रिताः” (आदिपर्व १/१६)
The sacred stories of the Puranas teaches Dharma . In order to get rid of mental anarchy, worshiping the divine philosophy and extremely knowlegeable Puranas with reverence, one gets peace of mind and happiness.


The Upanishads refer to spiritual learning or brahmavidya. Being the last part of the Vedas, it is also called Vedanta and the word Upanishad is also used for the Shruti-collection texts related to Vedanta.
The Upanishads are the enlightenment of the Vedas. This everlasting enlightened knowledge is one who has been giving light from the beginning of the universe and will continue to be illuminated forever. Its light and immortality has nourished the core of Sanatana Dharma. It is world’s welfare and India’s own national endowments, in front of which every self-respecting civilized nation of the world has bowed with reverence and will always be forever. The Upanishads, are the last part of the Apaurusheya Veda and is the primary source which is the inexhaustible storehouse of knowledge.
‘एकमेवाद्वितीयं ब्रम्ह नेह नानास्ति किंञ्चन।’
By rendering, the Upanishad leads the human being from little knowledge to eternal knowledge, from minority and limited power to eternal power, from world sorrows to eternal bliss and from birth-death bondage to eternal peace.
The earliest source of Vedas is the Rigveda. It has 10 mandals (chapters), 1024 suktas and 1072 mantras. All the cosmic and celestial planetary stars located in universe have got the honour of the God in Vedas . In the Rigveda these deities are praised by mantras. Rigveda teaches us that if man keeps equilibrium between nature and human behaviour,he will never face disaster or sorrow in his life.
‘ पुरूष एवेदं सर्वं यद्भूतं यच्च भाव्यम् ‘ (ऋग्वेद ० १०। ९०। २)
Veda-vidya is the first symbol of Indian culture. Veda-vidya is called trividya. Rik, Yaju:, and Sama are trividya. Traividya is related to Agnitraya. Agni, Vayu and Aditya. Similar to Traividya knowledge, action and worship is another form of tric, through which Vedabrahma’s Satta, Chitta and Ananda are manifestations of these three Vibhutis. For self-welfare, man should study the Vedas, the original source of religion and contemplate with self-confidence.
(प्रस्तुती-श्री मदनजी शर्मा शास्त्री)
आरम्भयज्ञ क्षत्राश्च हविर्यज्ञा: विश: स्मृता:।
परिचारयज्ञा: शूद्राश्च जपयज्ञा: द्विजास्तथा।।
Rigveda specifically defines Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra and Brahmins. These categories have been created at that time by characteristic nature of work and deeds of human being i.e. Kshatriya who performs his duties(Yajna) with courage, Vaishya who performs yajna by hom havan etc.
Shudra who does his duties with best services and Brahmins who performs yajna by jap japadi.
ॐ अग्निमिळें पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देव मृत्विजम् । होतारं रत्नधातमम् ।।
( ऋग्वेद)।। १ ।।
We praise Agnidev. The Agnideva who is the priest of the highest altruistic deeds like Yajna, the deity (grantor), the Ritvija and the Yajak are adorned with Gems of yajna.
Yajurveda is an important second serial scripture of Hindu Sanatana Dharma. The word “Yajush” means “Yajna”. This book is ritualistic. A person gets peace of mind through devotional rituals. Which is important to live a happy life. In this scripture, there are methods of performing many types of rituals related to rituals. It has both prose and poetic types of mantra. The Yajurveda has two branches – Krishna Yajurveda practiced in South India and Shukla Yajurveda Branch practiced in North India. Yaja means dedication. In things like – fuel, ghee, havi, etc. deeds – devoutly pure service, the Havan of Indriyanigraha etc. is called Yajna i.e. the act of surrender. This is the importance of the Vedas.
Prayer for nationhood :
ओ3म् आ ब्रह्मन् ब्राह्मणों ब्रह्मवर्चसी जायतामाराष्ट्रे राजन्यः शूरऽइषव्योऽतिव्याधी महारथो जायतां दोग्ध्री
धेनुर्वोढ़ाऽनड्वानाशुः सप्तिः पुरन्धिर्योषा जिष्णू रथेष्ठाः सभेयो युवास्य यजमानस्य वीरो जायतां निकामे-निकामे
नः पर्जन्यो वर्षतु फलवत्यो नऽओषधयः पच्यन्तां योगक्षेमो नः कल्पताम् ॥ ( यजुर्वेद ) 22
ब्रह्मन् ! स्वराष्ट्र में हों, द्विज ब्रह्म तेजधारी.
क्षत्रिय महारथी हों, अरिदल विनाशकारी ॥
होवें दुधारू गौएँ, पशु अश्व आशुवाही.
आधार राष्ट्र की हों, नारी सुभग सदा ही ॥
बलवान सभ्य योद्धा, यजमान पुत्र होवें.
इच्छानुसार वर्षें, पर्जन्य ताप धोवें ॥
फल-फूल से लदी हों, औषध अमोघ सारी.
हों योग-क्षेमकारी, स्वाधीनता हमारी ॥
‘Sama’ means ‘Anthem’. Samaveda music is predominant. Music is basically worshiped in it. Knowledge of peace of mind through music is also the contribution of our sage scholars.
The sense of – वेदानां-साम-वेदो-स्मि – is reflected by this samveda. By this we can reach the divine conscious. Divine consciousness is the foundation of mental peace.
The Samaveda, though small, is in a way the essence of all the Vedas.
The Samaveda has 1875 mantras. Of them, 1504 mantras are from the Rigveda. Samaveda has two parts – Archic and Gaan. The Samaveda has three important branches.
1) Kouthumiya
2) Jaiminiya
3) Ranayaniya
Samaveda has contributed significantly in the field of Indian music history. Jaimini, a disciple of the Vedavyasa, is considered the prima facie of the Samaveda . Samaveda means that the texts whose mantras can be sung. These mantras are sung at the time of Yajna, Ritual and Havan. Sweet music brings peace of mind.
It is necessary to have a spirit with knowledge. The importance of this is explained in the Samaveda. It is true that divine revelation can be done by the knowledge gain . Without the spirit of wisdom, the vision of knowledge is also incomplete.
भावेहि विद्यते देवः तस्मात् भावो ही कारणम्
That is, Bhavna is the abode of the God. So the main premise of his revelation is emotion, but it is a heart-warming booming wave. It is necessary to have knowledge and discretion to save him from wandering and to guide him. Therefore, the combination of knowledge and emotion becomes the surest basis of divine revelation.
This is the great gift of this Veda to mankind.
The Atharvaveda is the fourth of the holiest four Vedas of Hindu Sanatana Dharma. This Veda is also called Brahmveda. In this scripture geography, astrology, botany, numerous herbs, Ayurveda, diagnosis and medicine of serious diseases, fundamental principles of economics, Intransigence of politics, glorification of nation and national language, surgery, measures to prolong cause of death, salvation, representation of hundreds of philanthropic subjects such as reproductive science etc. is in the Atharvaveda. The significance of Atharvaveda is highly appreciated from the point of view of Ayurveda. In the Atharvaveda, both rituals of peace and affection are described.
यस्य राज्ञो जनपदे अथर्वा शान्तिपारगः.निवसत्यपि तद्राराष्ट्रं वर्धतेनिरुपद्रवम्.. (अथर्व0-1/32/3).
It has been said about the Atharvaveda Samhita that the king in whose kingdom the scholar who knows the Atharvaveda remains unconquered in the act of peace, that nation is fuss free and progresses continuously.
This is the glory of these great texts .

वेद, ज्ञान-और-विज्ञान
Book Description : यह पुस्तक वेद , हिंदू देवी-देवता , शिवलिंग , आत्मा और ऐसे कई अन्य रहस्यों का वैज्ञानिक राज खोलती है।
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